A central tool of Digital Benin, the catalogue forms one of two digital spaces on the platform where the dispersed Benin objects are re-assembled. Object data from 131 institutions across twenty countries that currently hold 5,246 historic Benin objects can be searched, filtered, studied and viewed. The launch of the database was announced in Berlin on […]
Announcement: CLARIAH-AT Funding Opportunities for Junior Researchers
For more information: https://clariah.at/funding-opportunities-for-junior-researcher/ CLARIAH-AT aims to support junior researchers at MA and PhD level, who have little or no other funding opportunity, in carrying out research in the fields of Digital Humanities. The consortium regards the funding as an investment in the future of Digital Humanities in Austria. Currently, junior researchers can apply for […]
Announcement: “On Seeing” Launched
Together, the MIT Press and the Brown University Library announce the launch of On Seeing, an experiment in multimodal publishing that will shape new conversations about how we see, comprehend, and participate in visual culture. Uniting the Press’s global publishing experience and the Library’s digital publication expertise, the series will examine understudied questions at the intersection […]