Deadline: March 1, 2023
For more information:
Digital art history, word-image studies, architectural history, and book history meet in The Digital Piranesi, a developing digital humanities project devoted to the complete works of Giambattista Piranesi. With funding from the Kress Foundation, six collaborators will be invited to contribute to the project. Following an introductory in-person workshop in Columbia, SC, in late Summer 2023, regular virtual meetings through Summer 2024 will be dedicated to writing brief, impactful scholarly essays about each image in the first volume of his Roman Antiquities. Travel and accommodation will be supported by grant funds. Each image appears with original annotations and (in metadata) English translations here, below further information about the Kress-funded project.
Please send a cv and one-page statement detailing qualifications, experience, and interest to by March 1, 2023. Inquiries are welcome.